An ambient collection of songs I made a long time ago now
Allegories cover artwork
  1. I'd Just Like To Say, That
  2. You Can't Ignore It
  3. I'm Doin' Alright
  4. Just In Time
  5. I've Been Thinking
  6. This Is How I Feel (If That Makes Sense)
  7. We're Fading
  8. It's Over
  9. You Look Happier
  10. Nothing Has Changed

At this point in time my interest in electronic music had waned and this album was to be treated as my final hurrah. All of the parts of it that I enjoyed and was able to produce as a little 17 year-old were tired and used up.

The result of this album was that one month later, for my 18th birthday, I was gifted a digital piano and I began to learn to play. Since then, I have still been producing music, but haven't released anything other than a little joke here or there. My interest in the piano has been taking precedence.